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To Josiah Quincy

Dear Sir

     I now enclose you a draft of the United States Bank or the branch at Boston for $201.50/100 which you will please dispose of in the manner mentioned to you in my last letter.

     I should suppose that half the Sum will be sufficient to defray the expenses of the young gentlemen on the road; of this however, you will be the best Judge. I submit it also to your better Judgment whether to send them on by water to Baltimore or the Potomack in case a good conveyance should offer, or by land.

     I hope this letter will find you &; Mrs Q. safe at home and in the enjoyment of all the happiness you anticipated in a

meeting with your children. Please offer her my best respects, and believe me to be with Great regard, Dear Sir Yr mo. ob. Sevt

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, MHi: Quincy Family Papers.