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To W. H. Washington

Dear Sir

     Enclosed you will receive the affidavits of John Luke and myself respecting the Loss of the Depositions of Genl John Dent and Mrs Susanna Chapmans‑ It is absolutely necessary to put off the Trial untill they can be found, or a Didemus sent up to take them over again, I have taken several Depositions which with those that are lost will set the contest in a clear point of view‑ I have sent them Down by Mr Charles Lee‑please‑let me know in as short a time as possible whether it will be put off or not, Mr Charles Alexander will write you from the District Court respecting the Nature of the Evidence taken I am Dr Sir with Respect Yr He Sert

W. H. Washington

N.B. I shall write to

Source Note

ALS, ICU: Butler-Gunsaulus Collection.