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To Unknown, 25 August 1792



     The Land which Mrs Burwell on her marriage with Mr Prescot covenanted to convey to Mr Thos Porter & myself in Trust, has never yet been conveyed (I am informed) from Mr Griffin to yourself or from you to Mrs P. I enquired at Richmond some short time ago for Mr Griffin and understood that he had gone to the Genissee Country, wh<e>ther to reside, or for a time only I could not learn.

To William Henry Washington, 10 May 1794

Dear Sir

     Enclosed you will receive the affidavits of John Luke and myself respecting the Loss of the Depositions of Genl John Dent and Mrs Susanna Chapmans‑ It is absolutely necessary to put off the Trial untill they can be found, or a Didemus sent up to take them over again, I have taken several Depositions which with those that are lost will set the contest in a clear point of view‑ I have sent them Down by Mr Charles Lee‑please‑let me know in as short a time as possible whether it will be put off or not, Mr Charles Alexander will write you from the District Court respecting

To Unknown, 17 April 1801



     The enclosed letter was written some months ago and waited only for a safe conveyance to France which I at length hoped would be afforded by the mission of Mr Dawson, but he unfortunately took his departure from the City before the letter got there. I now beg leave to recommend it to your care, and request that you will have the goodness to forward it by the first opportunity to Mr Fayette. I have the honour to be Sir Yr mo. ob. Servt

To Unknown, 15 May 1801



     Lest my former letter to Monr La fayette which I took the liberty to trouble you with should miscarry I have written another enclosing a copy of the former, which I beg leave to recommend to your care, and to request that you will have the goodness to give it the earliest conveyance to France. I am very respectfully Sir Yr mo. ob. Servt

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