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To William Augustine Washington

My dear Sir

     I have look'd over & corrected the form of the agreement between you & Genl Lee & now enclose it to you. Under the corrections which I have made & which I think essentiel, it is as effectual as any which I could with more form have drawn. You will have to copy it with the corrections, which Mr Nevison can easily do.

     I leave home tomorrow & with Colo. Blackburn go to Smiths Mt. I feel the greatest anxiety to call & see you, but it is impossible, & yet get to Phila. in time. I know You will excuse me, since the necessity of being at the supreme Court & prepared to take my seat at the beginning of the Session is indespensable. on my return I shall frequently see you. I hope to see [?] restored to health, & happy in the Society of an amiable woman, & by you (I believe) deservedly loved.

     God bless you & believe me to be unalterably Yr friend

B. Washington

Source Note

ALS, NjMoHP. BW addressed the letter to the Colonel at Haywood. There is a small line drawing on the cover.