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To William Augustine Washington

My Dear Sir

     Your proportion of the United States Stock which has been sold, is $163.5 which is lodged in the bank and will be paid at any time to your order. You had better also draw for the Share of my Sisters children forwarding however with your draft an order from Mr Robinson for his part.

     In haste I am My dear Sir Yrs affectionately

Bushrod Washington

Each Share is $163.5.

Source Note

ALS, NjMoHP. BW addressed the letter to the Colonel at Haywood, Westmoreland County. Beneath the signature, the recipient tallied the value of two shares, plus $40 in cash given to Mr. Holbrook, an $80 order on Yeatman, and $80 in dividends on six shares "as I suppose," for a grand total of $526.10.