To William Augustine Washington
Richd Decr 1. 1793
My dear Sir
Your Bill in favour of Mr Carter I accepted & have since paid. I had no mony at that time of yours in my hands, but immediately made sale of the Certificates at their highest current price & got from the Governor the Balance of the Bill. I enclose you a Statement of the account by which you will see that there is [<2m#>] yet in his hands which he will pay you when he goes over to Westmoreland in a few days.
I am in hopes that we shall have it in our power to make you a visit some time in January, as we mean about that time to take Westmoreland in our way from Prince William to Richmond— with Love to Mrs W. Hannah & family & the most sincere wishes for your health & happiness. I am truly My dr Sir Yr friend & affectionate
B. Washington
ALS, NjMoHP. BW addressed the cover to the Colonel at Haywood. The endorsement reads, "Mr Bushd Washington letter, with a Statement of my Acct wth him & Genl Lee, repecting money advanc'd for me, on Acct [illegible]reffalty, wth George Beards Rects for Money's paid Genl Lee, Ballance due W. A. Washn— £ 42.9.72."