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Caleb Brewster vs. David Gelston

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“This was an action of assumpsit against the defendant, who was Collector of the District of New-York, to recover a portion of a forfeiture which the plaintiff claimed under the collection law, as informer . . . It appeared on the trial, that the brig Rambler from St. Bartholomew’s, was on the 7th day of March, 1812, boarded, and a man put on board of her at Sandy Hook by the revenue cutter Active, under orders from the Collector to send vessels from St. Bartholomew’s bound for Amboy to New-York.

The United States vs. James W. Lent et al

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“Error to the District Court for the Southern District of New-York. The plaintiffs declared in the Court below, upon a bond executed by the defendants to the plaintiffs, on the 22d day of August, 1816, in the penal sum of 5,000 dollars, with the following condition. ‘The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the above bounden Lieut. James W. Lent, junr., has been appointed a Battalion Quarter-Master in the corps of artillery, and has accepted said appointment. Now if the said Lieut. James W.

The United States vs. M. M. Noah, Sheriff, &c.

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“Error to the District Court of the Southern District of New-York. The plaintiffs brought an action of debt in the Court below againt the defendant as Sheriff of the city and county of New- York, for the escape of one Joseph Wilson, a prisoner committed to his custody on a capias ad satisfaciendum, at the suit of the plaintiffs. At the trial it appeared that the plaintiffs on the 4th of May, 1819, issued a ca.

John R. Lucas et al vs. Robert Morris et al

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“Comfort Sands, a bankrupt, and one of the defendants in this cause, has interposed a plea in abatement to the jurisdiction of this Court, alleging, that all the matters and causes of complaint in the plaintiff's bill of complaint contained, belong exclusively to the Judge of the District Court of the Southern District of the state of New-York.”

The United States vs. Six Packages of Goods, Toler, Claimant

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“Appeal from the Circuit Court for the Southern District of New-York. This was a libel of information filed in the Court against certain goods imported from London on the ship Isabella, at the port of New-York, as forfeited under the 67th section of the collection act of the 2d of March, 1799, c.128.”

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