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The United States vs. Lewis A. Imbert

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“The defendant was indicted for manslaughter committed by him, being one of the ship’s company of the Arabella belonging to citizens of the United States, on another of the ship’s company of said vessel, in the river Elba. After the evidence was concluded, it was objected by the defendant’s counsel that no evidence having been given to prove that the vessel on board of which the offence is alleged to have been committed, belonged to a citizen of the United States, a verdict could not be found against the defendant.

Jacob Leveringe vs. Joseph Dayton

Case Year
Court Case Term
Court Case Type

“This was an action of assumpsit. The principal item in the bill of particulars delivered to the defendant, was one for about $1700 principal, interest and costs, paid by the plaintiff under an execution upon a judgment rendered on a custom house bond to the United States, executed by the defendant as principal, and the plaintiff as his surety. To prove this item, the plaintiff offered in evidence a paper under the seal of the district court of Pennsylvania, certified by the clerk of that court to be a true copy of the docket entries in a suit of the United States vs.

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