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The General Smith - Hollins et al. Claimants

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“Appeal from the Circuit Court of Maryland. This was a libel filed on the 4th day of October, 1816, in the District Court of Maryland, setting forth that James Ramsey, the libellant, had supplied and furnished for the use, accommodation, and equipment of the ship General Smith, at Baltimore, in the district of Maryland, to equip and prepare her for a voyage on the high seas, various articles of cordage, ship chandlery, and stores, amounting in the whole to the value of 4,599 dollars, and 75 cents, for no part of which he had received any compensation, payment, or security.

Clark's Executors vs. Van Riemsdyk

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“This is an appeal from a decree made in the Circuit Court of the United States for the district of Rhode Island. The Appellee filed his bill in that Court, praying that the Appellants and James Munro, Samuel Snow, and Benjamin Munro, late merchants trading under the firm of Munro, Snow and Munro, might be decreed to pay him the amount of a bill of exchange drawn in his favor at Batavia, by Benjamin Munro, at nine months sight, on Messrs.

The Town of Pawlet vs. Daniel Clerk, and Others

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“This was a case certified from the Circuit Court for the district of Vermont, in which, upon an action of ejectment brought by the town of Pawlet to recover possession of the glebe lot, as it was called, in that town, the opinions of the judges of that Court were opposed upon the question whether judgement should be rendered for the Plaintiff or for the Defendants, upon a verdict found, subject to the opinion of the Court, upon the following case stated: ‘In this cause it is agreed on the part of the Plaintiffs, that the lands, demanded in the Plaintiffs’ declaration, are a part o

The United States vs. Marchant & Colson

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“The question, which comes before us upon a certificate of a division of opinion of the judges of the Circuit Court of Massachusetts, is this, whether two or more persons, jointly charged in the same indictment with a capital offence, have a right, by the laws of the country, to be tried severally, separately, and apart, the counsel for the United States objecting thereto, or whether it is a matter to be allowed in the discretion of the Court.

Thelusson et al. vs. Smith

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“Error to the circuit court for the district of Pennsylvania. The plaintiffs in error instituted a suit in the circuit court for the district of Pennsylvania against William Crammond, which, by the agreement of the parties, and other order of the court, was referred to arbitrators. An award was made in favour of the plaintiffs, and a judgement nisi was entered on the 20th of May, 1805. Exceptions were field and overruled; and a judgement was finally entered on the 15th of May, 1806.

Riggs vs. Tayloe

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“This was an action on the case brought by the plaintiff against the defendant in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, upon a contract in writing, entered into between the plaintiff and defendant, for the sale of bank stock of the Central Bank of Georgetown.

John Conard, Marshal of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Plaintiff in Error vs. Francis H. Nicoll, Dependant in Error

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The principles decided in the case of Conard vs. The Atlantic Insurance Company, relative to the priority of the United States, examined and confirmed. 

ERROR to the circuit court of the eastern district of Pennsylvania.

The defendant in error brought an action of trespass, in the court below, against the plaintiff in error, for a quantity of merchandize, consisting of teas, cassia, nankeens, &c. all of the value of one hundred and ninety-three thousand seven hundred and twenty-five dollars. [...]

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