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From Jonathan Williams, 2 Nov. 1807


ON the other side is a copy of the Constitution of the United States Military Philosophical Society, which has undergone some amendments, found essential in practice: you will discover them by comparing this copy with that sent to you with the notice of your election. William Popham, Esq. Treasurer of the Society, will receive all communications during the winter, (there being then no stated meetings,) in conformity to the second article of the fourth chapter.

From Jonathan Williams, 23 Jan. 1808


There being now in this City a considerable number of the Members of the United States Military Philosophical Society, I think it my duty in conformity to the 3d Section of the 4th Chapter of the Constitution, to call an occasional meeting to be held at the first apartment on the right hand in the War Office, on Saturday 30 Inst.2 for the purpose of stating to the members, who have not hitherto had an opportunity of meeting the Society, the motives which gave rise to the institution, its object, progress, and present state, together with an account of such commu

From William Popham, 10 May 1808


THE President of the United States Military Philosophical Society, has requested me to communicate to the several Members, the following extract from their minutes.

     "At a stated meeting held at West Point, on the first Monday in May, 1808, the President submitted to the consideration of the Society, the state of their finances.

From Gerard Alexander Jr., 6 Sept. 1811


Your letter of the 4 Inst is Just handed to me by your nephew— Mr Jno Washington: enclosing in— from Mr Dade, who no doubt informed you of my disposition to coopperate with you in any measure relative to the Jefferson Land, as far as I was authorized. He informs me that your Nephew B.C. Washington agrees to give $550 to which I have no hesitation in agreeng So far as I may be interested; he being restricted as Tenants usually am in the use of Timbar I hope you may Succeed in obtaining the Consent of the Legatees to a Compromise.

To George Washington, 31 July 1797


     George Washington Surviving Exectr of Thos Colville decd

vs Thos West Exectr, Devisee & heir at Law of Jno. West Junr decd who was one of the Executors of Thos Colville & the nearest relations of Catharine Colville mother of the said Thos Colville of the names of Stot, Will, Richardson & Smith or their decendants.

From George Washington, 16 Dec. 1789

Dear Bushrod,

The enclosed is in answer to a letter I have just received from your Brother. It goes unsealed that you may aid it with your own opinion and advice or by searching among my Papers as directed for any thing that may be serviceable. Mrs Washington joins me in love to yourself & Nancyand I am Your Affecte friend & Uncle

From Richard Peters, 23 Feb. 1814

Dear Sir

I have had a Visitation of my old Enemy the Vertigo. It is periodical, & continuous every Year, thro’ February & March, less or more vindictively, accordingly as good or bad Luck attends me; No Care or Attention will repel it entirely. It has been very oppressive & destressing to me. I am getting the better of it; but it retreats sourly. I should have acknowledged the Receipt of your Favour of the last of January, sooner, but for this embarrassing State of Pericranium. I cannot now satisfy myself on the Points you say you shall differ with me in.

From Thomas Peter, 26 Aug. 1811



Your Circular I have but just received owing to my Absence from Town, Otherwise it would have been answered in due time.

     The business it relates to you must be better capable in judging of, than I can be, therefore I leave it for you to act on, as you may think best for the parties concerned— I am Gentn your very Obt Servt

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