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Treadwell and Watson vs. Bladen

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“This was an action on the case for an infringement of a patent granted to Edward Treadwell on the 181h of May 1826, for an improvement in the art of manufacturing biscuit and sugar, bread. The schedule describes the whole instrument, viz. the circular knives, dotters, clearers, the holes and the niches for connecting the cakes and clearing away the loose dough, as in the former patent.

The United States vs. Reuben Moses

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“The prisoner was tried upon five indictments, three of which were for counterfeiting the notes of the bank of the United States, of different denominations, and the other two for having in his possession bank notes of different denominations, engraved and printed after the similitude of notes issued by the said bank, with intent to use them in forging the notes of the said bank. Upon the trial of these indictments, the following points of evidence were ruled by the court. .1.

Lessee of Daniel Rhoades and Anthony Snyder vs. Selin et al.

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“This was an ejectment to recover two hundred and fifty acres of land in Union county. The lessors of the plaintiff claim as the representatives of John Snyder. The title of the plaintiffs was as follows: a warrant dated the 17th of March 1762, which, after reciting a prior order of the proprietor to the surveyor general, dated ------ 1754, to survey two thousand acres for Conrad Wiser, which had not been complied with; directs the said quantity of land to be surveyed for the heirs and representatives of the said Conrad Wiser, then deceased.”

Astor vs. Girard

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“This case resembles that of M’Culloch vs. Girard, which was tried at the October sessions of this court in 1822, (see ante 289,) the present plaintiff having been one of the persons on whose account Mr Jones made, the contract with the defendant. The few points of difference between the two cases are totally immaterial to the point decided in this cause, and therefore are not stated.

Ex Parte Craig

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“A rule was granted upon the mayor of the city of Philadelphia, on the motion of the prisoner, to show cause why he should not deliver to the prisoner certain bank notes of the bank of the United States, alleged to be genuine, to the value and amount of $1550, which the mayor had taken from the person of the prisoner upon his examination upon a charge of forgery. The mayor appeared by counsel to show cause, and admitted the notes to be genuine; but denied the right of the court to interfere in a summary way in a matter of this kind.”

The United States vs. Lewis A. Imbert

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“The defendant was indicted for manslaughter committed by him, being one of the ship’s company of the Arabella belonging to citizens of the United States, on another of the ship’s company of said vessel, in the river Elba. After the evidence was concluded, it was objected by the defendant’s counsel that no evidence having been given to prove that the vessel on board of which the offence is alleged to have been committed, belonged to a citizen of the United States, a verdict could not be found against the defendant.

The United States vs. The Insurgents of Pennsylvania

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“Several indictments were found against persons charged with High Treason, by levying wart against the United States, in the counties of Northampton and Bucks, in the state of Pennsylvania; and the prisoners having pleaded “Not Guilty,” Lewis and Dallas, their counsel, filed a suggestion, that all the offences were charged to have been committed either in Northampton or Bucks, and moved for a trial of each indictment in the proper county, on the provision contained in the 29th section of the Judicial act: (1 Vol.

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