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To John Francis Mercer, 10 July 1798

Dear Sir

I enclose you an alta. which you will please deliver to the Sheriff of Stafford. also Com. for taking depositions. If you approve of it, I will move the Court in Septr to direct a settlement of the accounts prayed for by your Bill, and have it referred to Commissioner Murray in Freds. you will please write me on this subject before Sept. I am Dear Sir very respectfully yrs.

From George Carter, 26 Dec. 1812


     I beg leave to call your attention once more to your bond which became due on the 1st of Sept. last—Also to remind you of that which will become due on the 1st of the next Month— I have before fully explained to you my situation, & distress for money. Should you neglect to take up these bonds very shortly my situation will justify the most prompt measures which can be adopted for a speedy recovery. I am Sir your Most Obdt Servt

From George Carter, 22 Dec. 1817


     I have cut out of the Lees. Washingtonian of the 16th Jn. the pro[c]eedings of a meeting of a few of the Inhabitants of this County who are desirous of forming themselves into an Auxiliary Colonization Society which I now take the liberty of enclosing to you. You will observe that an idea prevailed at that meeting, That the people were uninformed as to the object of the Wash. Co. So. & that the people wanted information generally upon this Subject.

To John Wickham, 25 May 1814


Dear Sir

     During my late Circuit at Phila. I met with Doct. Caldwell, the present editor of the Port folio, who expressed to me an anxious wish to obtain a biographical Memoir of Chief Justice Marshall to insert in one of the members of that work. He requested me to procure such a Sketch for him, which I promised to do if in my power. I thought of you at the time, but was apprehensive that your other engagements might oppose serious Obstacles to your undertaking it.

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