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To Joseph Eggleston, 27 May 1788


Dear Sir,

     I engag'd to pay Mr Giles, at the approaching Convent<io>n 32½ Guineas, b<u>t if I recollect right, you were so obliging as to promise to settle that Debt for me and to allow me a more convenient Time to repay it. On this Subject, however, we were not explicit, and I must therefore request an Answer to t<hi>s Letter.

To Edmund Jennings Lee, 16 April 1798

Dear Sir

     I now enclose you a Subpœna, having obtained an injunction for Fendall & Young vs. Patten. I am very clear to myself, that if the facts as stated are supported, or not controverted, that the defendt P. will be decreed to accept a Conveyance of the Land and to pay or secure the payment of the consideration mony yet due, and will be injoined from proceeding upon his Judgment.

Power of Attorney, 25 July 1826


     Know all men by these presents that I Bushrod Washington of Mount Vernon have constituted & appointed & do by these presents constitute & appoint William Herbert of Alexandria my lawful attorney for me & in my name & for my use to lease my fishery at the Mouth of Dogue Creek for a term not exceeding five years reserving such rent & stipulating such terms as he can agree for hereby ratifying whatever my Said attorney may lawfully do in the premises, As witness my hand & Seal this 25th July 1826

To Samuel Greenhow, 30 Dec. 1808


Dear Sir

     I have within the course of 3 weeks past finished a hot house the body of brick & covered with wood within a few feet of the Green house & quarters insured in the mutual insurance Office, the Size 32 feet long & 16 wide. It has Just occurred to me that possibly this circumstance ought to be reported to the office, that in case any additional premium on the property already insured should be thereby demandable, or may be paid.

To Unknown, 7 June 1802


Dear Sir

     I think it is of consequence that a meeting of the legatees should be obtained at as early a day as possible, that no time may be lost in making necessary arrangements for dividing or selling at least some parts if not the whole of the estate. I have draughted the form of an invitation to the legatees which you can send to such of them as live in the upper part of the Country or on the main post road. I will give notice to those living in King George & Westmoreland.

From Lawrence Lewis, 12 Sept. 1818

Dr Sir,

Your letter of the 5th Inst. accompany'd by the Bond drawn by you as executed by Mr Ludwell Lee and Gerard Alexander was handed to me last evening, I highly approve of the arrangement you have made, it will no doubt be very advantageous to Mr A. as well as us— I am persuaded very few persons would have been at the Sale, in consequence of a report that the debt had been settled, and no Sale was to take place— Mr Alexander in his letter to me of yesterday begs that the 20th day of November may be made the day of Sale, and thinks it will be unnecessary to advirtize it in the Alexa.

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