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Chappedelaine, Residuary Legatee, and Closrivierre, Adm'r de bonis non, vs. Dechenaux, Executor of Dumoussay, Defendant

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“Error to the circuit court for the district of Georgia, in a suit of equity. The bill states that the complainants’ testator and the defendant’s testator, together with three others, viz. Boisfeillet, Du Bignon, and Grand Closmesle, became joint purchasers of the islands of Sapelo, Blackbeard, Jekyll, and half of St. Catharine, on the coast of Georgia; that Dumoussay was the acting partner, and kept all the accounts, &c.

The Post Master General of the United States vs. Early and Others

Case Year
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Court Case Type

“This was an action of debt, commenced in the Circuit Court for the district of Georgia, by the District Attorney of the United States for that district, against the defendants, on a bond executed by them, in June 1820, to the Post Master General of the United States, the condition of which, after reciting that Eleazer Early (one of the co-obligors and defendants in the suit) is the Post Master at Savannah, provides that if he shall perform the duties of his office, ‘and shall pay moneys that shall come to his hands for the postages of whatever is by law chargeable with postage, to the Post

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