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M'Culloch vs. The State of Maryland et al.

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“Error to the Court of Appeals of the State of Maryland. This was an action of debt brought by the defendant in error, John James, who sued as well for himself as for the State of Maryland, in the County Court of Baltimore County, in the said State, against the plaintiff in error, M’Culloch, to recover certain penalties under the act of the legislature of Maryland, hereafter mentioned.

The General Smith - Hollins et al. Claimants

Case Year
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Court Case Type

“Appeal from the Circuit Court of Maryland. This was a libel filed on the 4th day of October, 1816, in the District Court of Maryland, setting forth that James Ramsey, the libellant, had supplied and furnished for the use, accommodation, and equipment of the ship General Smith, at Baltimore, in the district of Maryland, to equip and prepare her for a voyage on the high seas, various articles of cordage, ship chandlery, and stores, amounting in the whole to the value of 4,599 dollars, and 75 cents, for no part of which he had received any compensation, payment, or security.

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