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The following collection contains letters related to Bushrod's legal education in Philadelphia. Bushrod lived in the city from 1782 to 1784, and when not studying, he enmeshed himself in Philadelphia's high society, including frequent visits to his close friend Eliza Willing Powel and her husband Samuel. Bushrod worked as an apprentice to James Wilson, a seasoned lawyer who would eventually become the first professor of law at the College of Philadelphia as well as a Supreme Court Justice. Bushrod financed this education with the assistance of his uncle, President George Washington.

From John Augustine Washington, 4 Sept. 1783

My dear Bushrod

Some days past I heard that Colo. Richd Henry Lee was going to Philadelphia & wrote immediate a letter to you and sent it to Chantilly, since I have seen Colo. Lee and understood that this day he was to set out, I sent yesterday to desire Colo. Lee would call here as he went along if he does call this letter is intended to go by him if he does not, it will be sent by a vessel that is going to the head of Elk— in my letter which Colo.

From John Augustine Washington, 18 March 1783

My dear Bushrod

     I got to this place this day too late to write by the post but a Servant of Mr Chas Carters is this instant setting of to Philadelphia after a Chariott as I am told— I am short of time to say more then that I am thus far on my way to Berkley to settle some plan for regular remittances (but if your affairs will not admit of waiting till you recieve remittances or hear from me from Berkley) you must close with Mr Mead upon his terms till I can fix a plan more conducive to yr happiness and my interest— having wrote you full

To Hannah Bushrod Washington, 1 July 1783

Dr & Honoured Madam..

     There is no one to whom I am so much indebted in the Letter way as yourself, and I'll assure there are few Debtors who take so much pleasure in discharging these accounts As I do when you are Creditor— I am not only contented with repaying you Letter for Letter, but the Bargain always turns out so much in my favor, that I think myself called upon by Gratitude to acknowledge the superior obligation You confer.

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