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Jared Sparks to Joseph Story, 26 Jan. 1826


Dear Sir,

With this I send you a letter for Judge Washington, and another for Judge Marshall. I have referred them both to you for any further explanations they may desire. You are already so thoroughly possessed of my views and plans, that I have nothing more to say as to the main points. I am sure, if Judge Washington can be brought to see the thing in all its bearings, he will not withhold his approbation; and the business certainly could not be in better hands than your own.

To Unknown, 28 Sept. 1816


Dear Sir

     You will oblige me by enclosing to me, in Philadelphia, the Treasurers draft on the Bank of Virga for my quarter's salary as soon as you recieve it. This I intended to have requested you to do whilst I was in George Town on my way hither, but forgot it— I am Dr Sir very respectfully yr mo. ob. Serv. 

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