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Davis and Brooks, Owners of One Half of the Brig Seneca, vs. The Brig Seneca, and Captain Henry Levely, Owner of the Other Half, November Term, 1828

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Court Case Term
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“On the 27th December, Wharton, of counsel for the complainants in this case, moved for leave to enter an appeal from the decree of the court, rendered on the 23d December. Chauncey, for the captain and part owner opposed the appeal. The complainants must show that the decree made in this case is a final decree, coming within the act of Congress. If the petition was for the sale, or possession of the vessel, it was in nature of a possessory action; it was an application to the court for an order, which the court has decided it had no power to give.

Davis and Brooks, Owners of One Half of the Brig Seneca, vs. The Brig Seneca, and Captain Henry Levely, Owner of the Other Half, November Term, 1828

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“On the 5th December,.182S, the complainants in this case filed their petition, Getting forth the following facts: That the petitioners are owners of one half part of the brig Seneca, now lying in this port; that the remaining half part belongs to Captain Henry Levely, who has had possession of the brig for several months, with the sole control of her: that he has proceeded on several voyages to the loss and dissatisfaction of the late owners, from whom the petitioners purchased the brig: that he now threatens to take the vessel to sea without their consent, and to their great detriment: th

United States vs. Rousmaniere's Administrators and Others

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“Bill in equity brought by the United States, as trustees of the Newport Bank, against the defendants as administrators of the estate of Lewis Rousmaniere. The bill in substance states, that the Newport Bank is a bank of deposit of the United States for the revenue collected in that district, and agent for the collection of such revenue.

Stephen Harding and Others vs. Caleb Wheaton and Another

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“This was a bill in equity brought by two of the heirs at law of Comfort Wheaton, deceased, which charged, that on the 9th of May, 1805, Comfort Wheaton was seized of certain real estate in Providence; that he was then infirm and weak, both in body and mind, being very old, viz.

James Barker vs. Marine Insurance Company

Case Year
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“Assumpsit on a policy of insurance dated the 2d of June, 1821, whereby ‘Robinson Potter for account of James Barker, or Robinson Potter, or both, made assurance,’ &c. ‘lost or not lost, arrived or not arrived, 4000 dollars, at and from Bristol in England, to a port of discharge in the United States, on cargo on board the brig Tom Hazard.’ The loss alleged was a total loss by the perils of the sea, in foundering at sea. Upon the trial of the case upon the general issue, the following facts were admitted or proved.

The Ship Two Catherines, Providence W. Insurance Company, Claimants

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“Libel for mariners’ wages and salvage, certified from the District Court on account of the interest of the District Judge, pursuant to the statutes of 8th of May, 1792, ch 36, § 11, and of 3d of March, 1821, ch. 51. The original libel was for mariners’ wages; but as amended it wore a double aspect, asserting a right to wages, and if that could not be sustained, claiming a right to salvage equivalent to wages.

William V. H. Van Reimsdyk vs. Oliver Kane & Al.

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“This was a bill inequity, the object of which was, to obtain satisfaction out of the separate estate of John Innes Clarke, Esq. deceased, of a debt alleged to be due from said Clarke, and Messrs. James Monroe, Samuel Snow, and Benjamin Monroe, who survived the said Clarke, but had become insolvents under the Rhode-Island act.”

Van Reimsdyk vs. Oliver Kane and Another, Executors of John Innes Clarke, Deceased

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“The plaintiff is an inhabitant of Batavia in the island of Java, and the bill is brought to recover against the executors of Clarke the amount of a bill of exchange drawn in behalf of the owners of the ship Patterson, by Benjamin Monroe, their agent at Batavia, on a mercantile house in Amsterdam for 21,438 guilders. The bill of exchange was dated 3 Nov. 1806, payable at nine months sight, was presented and protested for non-acceptance, 30 December, 1807, and was presented and protested for non-payment, 4 Oct. 1808.”

William West vs. Job Randall et al.

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“This was a bill in equity, brought by William West, of Southridge, in the state of Massachusetts, one of the children and heirs of William West, formerly of Scituate, in the state of Rhode-Island, against Job Randall, a son-in-law of the last mentioned William West, and Jeremiah Phillips, both inhabitants of said Scituate.

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