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Conyers and Another vs. William Ennis and Others, Administrators of Lewis Rousmaniere

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“A bill in equity which was set down by consent for a hearing upon the bill and answer. It was argued by Hunter for the plaintiff, and by Randolph for the respondents, upon the point stated in the opinion of the court . . . The intestate, Lewis Rousmaniere, a merchant of Newport, being deeply and fraudulently insolvent, on the 4th of May, 1820, wrote a letter to the plaintiffs, who are merchants in Charleston, S.

Elizabeth Nightingale vs. Edward S. Sheldon and Others

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Edward Spaulding, in July, 1785, made his will, and after providing for the payment of his just debts and funeral expenses, devised as follows. “The residue, &c., the real as well as personal interest, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Audery Spaulding, for and during her natural life, to be improved for her benefit, and providing for my children, relying on her goodness and discretion in that particular, as she may think proper. In case my said wife A.

Hannah Gardner and Others vs. Ezekiel W. Gardner and Elisha R. Potter

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“This was a bill in equity. The facts were as follows: Peleg Gardner, of South Kingston, by his will, dated the 7th of July, 1817, having given his wife (one of the plaintiffs) a part of his mansion house and the use of one third of his stock &c. for her life, in lieu of dower, made the following devise: ‘I give and devise to my beloved son, Ezekiel W. Gardner, two third parts of all that my Ferry farm, so called, formerly owned by John Franklin, and now in the possession of the said Ezekiel W.

Jacob Shieffelin vs. Levi Wheaton

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“This action was brought to recover the contents of a promissory note, dated at Providence, &c. given by the defendant to the plaintiff, payable at a certain time, which had elapsed before the suit was brought. The defendant pleaded a discharge under the insolvent act of Rhode-Island, after the note was given and before it became due. To this plea there was a general demurrer and joinder. The cause was shortly argued by Tristram Burgess for the plaintiff, and Robbins for the defendant.”

William V. H. Van Reimsdyk vs. Oliver Kane & Al.

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“This was a bill inequity, the object of which was, to obtain satisfaction out of the separate estate of John Innes Clarke, Esq. deceased, of a debt alleged to be due from said Clarke, and Messrs. James Monroe, Samuel Snow, and Benjamin Monroe, who survived the said Clarke, but had become insolvents under the Rhode-Island act.”

Van Reimsdyk vs. Oliver Kane and Another, Executors of John Innes Clarke, Deceased

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“The plaintiff is an inhabitant of Batavia in the island of Java, and the bill is brought to recover against the executors of Clarke the amount of a bill of exchange drawn in behalf of the owners of the ship Patterson, by Benjamin Monroe, their agent at Batavia, on a mercantile house in Amsterdam for 21,438 guilders. The bill of exchange was dated 3 Nov. 1806, payable at nine months sight, was presented and protested for non-acceptance, 30 December, 1807, and was presented and protested for non-payment, 4 Oct. 1808.”

Clark's Executors vs. Van Riemsdyk

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“This is an appeal from a decree made in the Circuit Court of the United States for the district of Rhode Island. The Appellee filed his bill in that Court, praying that the Appellants and James Munro, Samuel Snow, and Benjamin Munro, late merchants trading under the firm of Munro, Snow and Munro, might be decreed to pay him the amount of a bill of exchange drawn in his favor at Batavia, by Benjamin Munro, at nine months sight, on Messrs.

William West vs. Job Randall et al.

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“This was a bill in equity, brought by William West, of Southridge, in the state of Massachusetts, one of the children and heirs of William West, formerly of Scituate, in the state of Rhode-Island, against Job Randall, a son-in-law of the last mentioned William West, and Jeremiah Phillips, both inhabitants of said Scituate.

Ahaz Arnold and Another vs. Thomas Buffum

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“Ejectment for land. The cause turned altogether upon the consideration of a clause in the will of Thomas Arnold, and was argued on the following statement of facts, agreed upon by the parties. ‘At the time of the making of Thomas Arnold's will, and also at the time of the testator’s death, Peleg Arnold was under the age of twenty-one years, being the testator’s youngest son. John Arnold was the second son of the testator, and was then over twenty-one years of age; and Thomas Arnold was the testator’s eldest son. These three sons were by different wives.

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