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To William White, 25 June 1813


Rev'd & Dear Sir

     Since my return to Virga, I observed by one of our papers, that our Legislature at its Session in may, had passed a law for the relief of all persons whose lands had become forfeited by omissions to enter them on the Commissioners books, or to pay the taxes due on them. I immediately wrote to chief Justice Marshall requesting him to call upon the auditor, & to obtain for me all the information necessary to enable me to secure your Son's tract of land. I have now recieved his answer, the purport of which I take great pleasure in communicating to you.

To James Wilson, 25 Feb. 1785


My dear Sir

Since I came to Virginia, I have generally been so buryed in Retirement as to want opportunities of writing to Philadelphia— You Sir, are the first, to whom my respects are due; permit me to return you my sincere thanks and acknowledgment for the attention and politeness with which you favored me whilst under your care, but most of all for those advantages which I derived from your friendly and instructive Communications in the line of my Studies— Favors which associate in them both utility and complaisance make the deepest impressions on my heart, and fill it with affecti

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