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United States vs. Rousmaniere's Administrators and Others

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“Bill in equity brought by the United States, as trustees of the Newport Bank, against the defendants as administrators of the estate of Lewis Rousmaniere. The bill in substance states, that the Newport Bank is a bank of deposit of the United States for the revenue collected in that district, and agent for the collection of such revenue.

Stephen Harding and Others vs. Caleb Wheaton and Another

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“This was a bill in equity brought by two of the heirs at law of Comfort Wheaton, deceased, which charged, that on the 9th of May, 1805, Comfort Wheaton was seized of certain real estate in Providence; that he was then infirm and weak, both in body and mind, being very old, viz.

James Barker vs. Marine Insurance Company

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“Assumpsit on a policy of insurance dated the 2d of June, 1821, whereby ‘Robinson Potter for account of James Barker, or Robinson Potter, or both, made assurance,’ &c. ‘lost or not lost, arrived or not arrived, 4000 dollars, at and from Bristol in England, to a port of discharge in the United States, on cargo on board the brig Tom Hazard.’ The loss alleged was a total loss by the perils of the sea, in foundering at sea. Upon the trial of the case upon the general issue, the following facts were admitted or proved.

The Ship Two Catherines, Providence W. Insurance Company, Claimants

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“Libel for mariners’ wages and salvage, certified from the District Court on account of the interest of the District Judge, pursuant to the statutes of 8th of May, 1792, ch 36, § 11, and of 3d of March, 1821, ch. 51. The original libel was for mariners’ wages; but as amended it wore a double aspect, asserting a right to wages, and if that could not be sustained, claiming a right to salvage equivalent to wages.

Artemis Stebbins vs. Michael Eddy

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“Bill in equity for a fraudulent misrepresentation in the sale of a farm, as to the quantity of land. The cause was argued by Randolph for the plaintiff, and by Hunter and Robbins for the defendant, at the last term; and the opinion of the Court was now delivered, as follows . . . This cause was argued at the close of the last November Term of this Court, and derives some of its interest and importance from the character of the parties, who are both clergymen, and the nature of the bill, which contains charges of fraud and misrepresentation.

Ebenezer Tyler and Others vs. Abraham Wilkinson and Others

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“Bill in equity to establish the right of the plaintiffs to a priority of use of the waters of Pawtucket river, &tc. The cause was argued at great length, at the last term, by Whipple and Webster for the plaintiffs, and by Cozzens and Searle for the defendants, at the last November Term, and continued for advisement to this term when the following opinion was delivered . . .

Stephen Bean vs. Simon Smith and Others

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“This was a bill in equity brought by the plaintiff Bean, against Simon Smith, Ziba Smith, Ahab Smith, Simon Smith, jr. Esther Stone, William Foster, and Elizabeth Foster, wherein he claimed to be paid, out of certain lands in the possession of the respondents, a debt due to him from Simon Smith, one of the said respondents.

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