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From William Henry Washington, 24 Feb. 1795

Dr Sir

     I received your Favor on Saturday last inclosing an Attachment & two Dedimus's against my troublesome Neighbor George Chapman for which I am exceedingly obliged to you, as I expect it will put a Stop to the Sale of a Negro belonging to the Estate of Mr Philip Alexander's Orphans, which he executed some Time ago, under a Supposition that I intended (as I conceive) to rest satisfied with the Dissolution of my Injunction against him but as it is in my Power to pro[ve] that the Money which he unjustly demands from me has been honestly discharged by Robt Alexander, I a

From William Henry Washington, 18 April 1796

Dear Sir

      I reced your favor dated the Sixth of Febry1 this Eighteenth day of apl Opened, If I had recd it sooner should have answered it immediately, I herewith Enclose a Note from Chapman with an affidavit of the recieipt, Mr Alexanders Deposition is very material but not as much so, as some others if you have recd them, please let me know as soon as you recieive this, if Mr Chapmans note will secure the reading the Deposition, I am also to inform you that after Mr Chapman got the last Judgment in your Court he executed my property and sold it to amount of his Jud

From William Henry Washington, 24 May 1796

Dr Sir

      If my suit againt Chapman has not been tried, & it is not too late to take Depositions; or if you can obtain Commissions for that purpose I shall be much obliged to you to send two, and I wish to know if I cannot get a peremtory order to take Nathl Chapman Hunters Deposition as he has refused to give it, I wish very to have his testamony as it is very material to my Cause; please let me know how my cause stands at this time and if you think I shall be successful in it; you will also greatly oblige me by Directing the Clerk to send me Copies of Chs Simm's and John

From William Henry Washington, 10 July 1794

Dear Sir

     Since I saw you Mr Chapman has taken several Depositions among the suit Robert Alexander Son to Robert Alexander Decd whom the execution Levied on me, was against— he swares that there are accounts on his Fathers Books against John Hunter Specifying Moneys and Tobaccoes paid by his Father to the said Docto. John Hunter and on the credit side he says to the Judgment obtained by Nat. Chapman agt my Fathers Estate so much but the said Credit has several scratches made across it.

To Wilson Cary Nicholas, 18 March 1816


     I now enclose you my answer to your letter of the 21st of Feby, covering the resolutions of the Legislature of Virginia, and I throw myself upon your goodness to excuse the delay which has taken place. If the embarrassment which a conflict of duties, of feelings & of inclinations have produced be insufficient for my apology, I have none other of equal weight to plead.

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