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United States vs. Nicholl

Case Year
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“The questions to be decided in this case arise out of a bill of exceptions, taken by the plaintiffs, to the charge and instructions of the Circuit Court to the jury upon the trial of the cause. The suit was founded on the official bond of Robert Swartwout, as navy agent, and with whom the defendant had become bound as one of his sureties.

Montgomery Bell, Plaintiff in Error, vs. James Morrison, Anthony Butler, and Jonathan Taylor, Defendants in Error

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“This was a writ of error to the seventh Circuit Court of the United States, for the district of Kentucky, sued out by the plaintiff below; and the case was presented for the consideration of this Court, upon a bill of exceptions, taken by the plaintiff in error. An action of assumpsit was insisted against Charles Wilkins, Jonathan Taylor, James Morrison, Anthony Butler, and Isaac White, in 1823.

The Post Master General of the United States vs. Early and Others

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“This was an action of debt, commenced in the Circuit Court for the district of Georgia, by the District Attorney of the United States for that district, against the defendants, on a bond executed by them, in June 1820, to the Post Master General of the United States, the condition of which, after reciting that Eleazer Early (one of the co-obligors and defendants in the suit) is the Post Master at Savannah, provides that if he shall perform the duties of his office, ‘and shall pay moneys that shall come to his hands for the postages of whatever is by law chargeable with postage, to the Post

John Conard vs. The Atlantic Insurance Company New York

Case Year
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“This was an action of trespass brought in the Circuit Court for the district of Pennsylvania, by the Atlantic Insurance Company of New York, against John Conard, the Marshal of the district of Pennsylvania, for taking and carrying away certain teas, imported from Canton into the port of Philadelphia, on board the ships Addison and Superior. Pleas the general issue, and a special jurisdiction under a fi. fa. against the goods as the property of Edward Thomson. The suit was instituted, and tried under an agreement, which is recited in the following bond.” 

The President, Directors and Company of the Bank of the United States vs. Dandridge and Others

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“This is a writ of error to the Circuit Court for the District of Virginia. The original action was debt on a bond, purporting to be signed by Dandridge, as principal, and Carter B. Page, Wilson Allen, James Brown, Jr., Thomas Taylor, Harry Heth, and Andrew Stevenson, as his sureties, and was brought jointly against all the parties.

The United States vs. Marchant & Colson

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“The question, which comes before us upon a certificate of a division of opinion of the judges of the Circuit Court of Massachusetts, is this, whether two or more persons, jointly charged in the same indictment with a capital offence, have a right, by the laws of the country, to be tried severally, separately, and apart, the counsel for the United States objecting thereto, or whether it is a matter to be allowed in the discretion of the Court.

John Conard, Marshal of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Plaintiff in Error vs. Francis H. Nicoll, Dependant in Error

Case Year
Court Case Term
Court Case Type

The principles decided in the case of Conard vs. The Atlantic Insurance Company, relative to the priority of the United States, examined and confirmed. 

ERROR to the circuit court of the eastern district of Pennsylvania.

The defendant in error brought an action of trespass, in the court below, against the plaintiff in error, for a quantity of merchandize, consisting of teas, cassia, nankeens, &c. all of the value of one hundred and ninety-three thousand seven hundred and twenty-five dollars. [...]

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