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To Mason Locke Weems


I recd your letter, and have been disappointed in not seeing you here agreeable to your promise. I am glad that you have determined to give your undivided attention to Mr Wayne's business, & he will no doubt make the allowance of a dollar per day as before agreed upon, in case he feels satisfied of your prompt attention to the obtaining subscriptions – Certainly no time is now to be lost as the first vol. will soon be in the press. – I hope you will set out immediately to the Southward where you will have fine winter quarters & cannot fail of success in your undertaking. If you wish for some letters of introduction & will inform me when you set out, I will prepare & send them on to you in time. – I am Sir Yr mo. ob. Servt  

Bush Washington

Source Note

ALS, PHi: Dreer Collection; Docketing on verso: "B. Washington to M.L.W. Dec 18. 1803"