To Caleb Parry Wayne
Mount Vernon Nov. 19. 1802
Dear Sir
I now enclose you a certificate that you have purchased the American copy right to the life of Gen Washington, tho' with the contract in your pocket, I can hardly conceive how this can be necessary. I presume the best way will be for you to have this certificate subjoined to your proposals which are inserted in the different papers. This will be better that to let it appear as an independent thing, which would seem to imply that your right had been questioned, altho you had asserted it.
The democrats may say what they please, and I have expected they would say a great deal, but this is at least not intended to be a party work, nor will any candid man have cause to make this charge. With best wishes for your success I am respectfully yrs
Bushrod Washington
ALS, PHi: Dreer Collection; Address on verso: "C. P. Wayne Esq Philadelphia –"