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From Caleb Parry Wayne


Your favour bearing date the 18th Inst. was duly Recd. accept my thanks for your promise of particular attention to my request, – and be assured I shall esteem myself highly honored by should your choice devolve on me. — 

Respecting the Copy=Right, it is out of my Power to make any propositions unless I could ascertain the extent of the work & even in that case I should prefer a proposition on your part, you, knowing what its contents will be & its value; I will then give a definitive answer – as it respects the terms I would think I could make them perfectly Satisfactory.  I am very Respectfully Sir Yr Mo. Obdt. Servt


Caleb Parry Wayne

Source Note

Copy, PHi: Dreer Collection; Docketing on verso: "Copy of a Letter to the Hon B. Washington— C P. Wayne"

Wrote another March 18