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To Jared Sparks

Dear Sir

I recd your letter of the 2d inst. in Phila. but was prevented, by a severe indisposition, from answering it from that place, and even now, I can do no more than repeat the undiminished confidence I feel in your ability to execute the work in the best possible manner, and in your fidelity to bring it out in a way mostadvantageous for the pecuniary interest of the parties concerned consistently with our contract —

I recd whilst in Phila. from Genl Lafayette a part of his original letters to Genl Washington and he promises to forward the residue by the succeeding packet. I will endeavour to transmit the whole to you by some safe conveyance. I am with great respect and esteem Dear Sir yr mo. ob. Servt

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, Copy, NjMoHP.

1. BW crossed out “for our focus” before adding “advantageous for the pecuniary”