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To Jared Sparks


Your letter of the 26th January was handed me by Mr Justice Story, and I owe you an apology for the delay which has taken place in answering it. The truth is that, although living under the same roof, the important cases which the Judges have had to examine and discuss in conference, diverted the attention of the C. Justice & myself from the subject, insomuch, that it is but lately that we had an opportunity of conversing upon it. 

The only answer which it is now in my power to give to your proposal will be contained in the following statement of facts. A part of the work which you contemplate writing has for some years past engaged the attention & commanded the labours, of the C. Justice & myself. It is now completed, and we expect in the course of the summer1 to put to press about three volumes of what we Judge to be the most interesting of Genl Washington's letters, written during the war of the revolution, and subsequent to its termination. It is further our intention to publish many of the letters addressed to him by the governors of the several states, foreign officers, & others during those periods. 

The letters written by him prior to, and during the french war, are, many of them, copied, and will be published at some future period. I am Sir, very respectfully your mo. ob. Servt

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, MH: Jared Sparks Personal Papers. BW addressed the letter to Sparks in Boston. The letter was postmarked in Alexandria, Va. on 4 June. Sparks endorsed the letter. 

1. BW first wrote "month" here but crossed it out and replaced it with the word "summer."