To Alexander Spotswood
Mount Vernon Augt 16. 1808
Dear Sir
This will be handed you either by Mr Dupont or Mr Banduy, who are manufacturers of gunpowder on Brandywine. The object of the visit which one or the other of those gentlemen purpose making to your part of the Country is to procure a supply of Saltpetre for their works, and understanding that you make considerable quantities of this article they will certainly call upon you. I am a total Stranger to these gentlemen; but they are so highly recommended by Mr Cazenove, a Merchant of Alexandria with whom I am well acquainted, & for whose character I have very great respect, that I feel no difficulty in introducing them to you, & asking such attentions to them as their Situation in a strange place may render necessary to their comfort.
Mr Cazenove mentions that he has been doing business with them for several years & has found them very clever—That the father was Mr Dupont was director of the chamber of commerce under Louis the 16th & afterwards a member of the Constituent Assembly. I am Dear Sir Affectly & Sincerely Yrs
Bush. Washington
ALS, DeGH: Longwood Manuscripts (DuPont Company Papers). The cover was addressed to Spotswood in Kentucky.