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Caleb P. Wayne to William Hamilton


Sometime time ago you published a letter from Gen. Washington to a friend of his, written during the Indian War. you introduced the letter by observing that it was copied from the “original” & that if the compiler1 of the Hist. desired would be furnished with it on application. I sent the printed letter to Judge Washington & he has this day wrote to me as follows, viz


["]Mount Vernon Nov. 24, 1803

Gen. Marshall requests that you will endeavour to procure for him from the Editor of the Lancaster Journal, the original letter from Gen. Washington, which he has published.”

Will you oblige me by sending it to me immediately by return post; as in a few days I expect to be able to deliver it in person to Judge W. & Gen. M. I am In haste very respectfully your most obed.


Source Note

Copy, PHi: Dreer Collection. Endorsed with a note “Copy to B. Washington.”