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"The defendant was indicted, in the first count, for endeavouring to make a revolt; in the second count, for confining the captain. Black and two others were separately indicted for the same offences, com­mitted at the same time. The defendant offered to examine Black and the others, and the question as to their competency was submit­ted to the court by the counsel for and against the prosecution. The court admitted the evidence, leaving the credibility of the witnesses to the consideration of the jury. See 1 Chitt. C. L. 493, who cites 2 Hale, 281. 1 Hale, 305. Fost. 247. 2 Camp. 333. Hawk. b. 2, ch. 46, sec. 99, in support of the opinion. An accomplice is also a good witness against the prisoner, if separately indicted. 1 Chitt. C. L. 492."

Case Citation

4 Wash. C.C. 428