From John Marshall
Richmond Apl 28th 1819
My dear Sir
I left this place the day after I wrote to you & did not return till to day. I cannot account for the inaccuracy you state otherwise than by supposing that I read the latter part of the sentence under an impression that instead of the word "deny" in the former part some affirmative word had been used & the correction was made in a hurry without taking time to examine the whole sentence. Undoubtedly the alteration you mention ought to be made. I hope you have made it. If not I wish Mr Bronson to publish the correction. If you have left Philadelphia write to him.
I have received the receipts you mention & thank you for your attention. your
ALS, ViW: Marshall Papers. Marshall addressed the letter to BW in Alexandria. The letter was postmarked in Richmond on 28 April. BW endorsed the letter. Marshall added two notes "case of Mr Herbert" and "If Mr Washington has not returned from Philadelphia the postmaster will please to forward this immediately to that place."