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To Burr William Harrison

Dear Sir

     I was much disappointed at not finding, on my return to Alexa., a letter from you in answer to the one which I wrote you from Phila. Without knowing what are the boundaries of Yorkshire, as ascertained by the survey & the agreements with Hooe & Mitchel (if they have been concluded, as I trust they have) I cannot forward to you our deed to Hooe, which waits for nothing but a diagram of the land according to the boundaries by which it is to be granted. I must now request you, my dear Sir, to forward me this paper, or at all events the boundaries, by the first mail to Alexa. & in a few days after your letter is recd, you shall recieve our deed. The last trouble we shall have to give you in this unpleasant business will be to deliver the deed to Hooe, & to obtain his mortgage, which you will please draw & have executed, to be forwarded to me. To enable you to do this I enclose you a Copy of our agreement.

     I find by a letter from Mr Ch. Ratcliffe in Nov: 1824, that the rent of the Wigwam alone for last year, independent of the small seperate tract, was $170— yet he has paid into the bank no more than $60, without condescending to write a line to inform me on what account the balance was kept back. We must get the favor of you to make the necessary enquiries into this business & to take all proper measures to do us Justice. We must insist upon Mr Hooe paying immediately to you the last years rent, out of which you will reserve for yourself a liberal compensation for the trouble you have had, & also to pay for the fees & expenses attending the Survey. Should that Sum (for I do not know the amt of it) be insufficient for these purposes, let me know, that any deficiency may be immediately supplied.

     With Mrs W's & my best regards & wishes to all friends, the members of your family I am Dear Sir very sincerely yr faithful & ob. Servt

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. BW addressed the letter to "Burr W. Harrison Esqr. Leesburg Virginia"