To John N. Ashton
May 27. 1823
Dr Sir
By yr letter of the 6th inst. I understand that your father survived his son Burdet, as I know he did Charles, & also his daughter Ann all of whom died without issue. By yr fathers release of the 6th June 1805, to Burdet, Ann & Judge Fitzhugh, of his interest in Charles' estate, Judge Fitzhugh became entitled to 1/3 of Charles' 1/4th in addition to his own 1/4th & all the remainder of the Share given to the heirs of Ann Ashton vested, as I suppose, in your father upon the death of Burdet & Ann this opinion, which I believe to be conformable to the law of Virga is given to you merely as a friend & not as an Exectr of Genl W.— However, as the suit is now brought, in which you are named a plff, this matter will of course be settled by the Court, and you can correspond with Mr Swan or Mr Taylor, who are employed for the legatees, & state your claim to them. I am Dr Sir respectfully &c.
Bush. Washington
ALS Copy, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection.