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From George Washington

Dear Bushrod.

     Mr Packet handed me your lettr of the 20th— In one thing my sentiments perfectly coincide with your own— and that is, to manage our Virginia Estates well there cannot be a divided attention— for with all the attention that can be bestowed, they are seldom productive.

How far Alexandria, above other places, may claim a preference in prospective, for your place of residence, is a matter that requires better information with respect to circumstances and professional competetors than I am master of. Though this place is under a cloud at present, I am of opinion that Phœnix like, it will again, from its own ashes, grow into consequence— and being in the vicinity of several important Courts in the State of Maryland, may, in those respects be considered as a place for a person in your sea<t>— The merits & abilities of the Practitioners at the Bar of this, and the Courts adjacent, are as well, perhaps better known to you than myself; consequently you can form a better judgment than I (who never go to Court, and am little acquainted with them.) of the stumbling blocks wch are in your way to an extensive practice; but this may not be peculiar to Alexandria for the same difficulties might occur any where out of your present walks.

It is unnecessary I hope for me to add, that if you can make it convenient in an interested point of view, that no place on which you could fix would be more agreeable to me than Alexandria— and should this be the case, if you could accomodate yourself in my small House in Town (where Doctr Brown formerly lived) you shall be very welcome to the use of it, rent-free, till you can find a more convenient one on such terms as would suit you. Your Aunt, & the family under this Roof, Join me in every good wish for you and Nancy, and with very sincere esteem & affection I am Yrs

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Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: George Washington Collection; LB, DLC:GW. BW endorsed the letter.