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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     I hoped long before now to have executed the little business you intrusted to me, but alas I have had no time to attend to any business for some time past out of my poor wife's chamber— She has been violently attacked twice since delivery, of the first she apparently recovered, but of the last she is confined to her bed, and so extremely reduced that I have no right to flatter myself with her recovery. God can do all things, and in him I place my hope— Altho' there are strong Symptoms of her lungs being much affected, yet I should not despair, if she was not already so much weakened by other disorders that previously made their appearance— Should it please our all merciful God to restore my dear wife's health, and relieve my mind from its present burthen, you may rest assured I shall loose no time in having your business executed, which would have been done before if I had not parted from Lampkin— My youngest daughter has never been unwell since she was born, and my other children likewise enjoy their health— God grant my dear brother you may never suffer what I now do, and that you & my Sister may long very long enjoy health & happiness. I am yr ever affectionate & sincere brother

Corbin Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover was addressed to BW at "Richmond Town" by "Post."