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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     Yours of the 11 Inst. came to me about three days ago, but did not find me in that Situation you so fervently prayed for— My poor wife, instead of growing better, is daily rendered weaker by a complication of very obstinate disorders under which She labours— She has been confined about four weeks to her bed, and so reduced that She can not be turned in her bed without the assistance of two very careful people— Docr Rose & Docr Barham had a consultation here about a week ago on her case, and are of opinion that ulcers have formed on her lungs but yet they have reason to hope she may recover— God grant there may be good grounds for such an expectation— Present appearances are so alarming to me, that I dread to think of what will probably be the consequence— My constant attention to her both day & night is so necessary that I have not time to attend to any thin[g] else, which I trust will be a Satisfactory apology to you for my not having written oftener of late.

     I feel the highest gratitude towards you & my Sister for your anxiety on this distressing occasion, and fervently pray to our most merciful God that you may both enjoy unenterrupted health & happeniss here, and all that divine blessing hereaftr which I am proud to think you both merit. adieu

C. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover was addressed to BW at "Richmond Town."

     1. The letter was postmarked at Alexandria on this date and endorsed by BW on this date.