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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     I have not heard from you since your letter of the 11 Feby, and the unhappy Situation of my family has prevented me from answering your letter until now— The various disorders that have oppressed by poor wife have been daily putting on more alarming Symptoms, and of course my necessary attention to her prevents me from thinking of any thing else— Even the Doctrs begin to discover their apprehension as to her recovery— I wish I could flatter myself with her recovery; but present appearances forbid it— She has been now five weeks unable even to turn herself in her bed, which has produced so general a debility, that strong dropsical Symptoms appear— Her heart complaint is also very oppressive, & a variety of others lend their aid to prevent her recovery— Upon our all merciful God alone I now depend— May He grant to you & my dear Sister health & happiness, and save you both from any thing like what I now suffrer. adieu My dear brother & friend

C. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover was addressed to BW at "Richmond Town."