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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     I returned here on Tuesday last from Prospect-Hill where the deranged State I found my business in there obliged me to spend some weeks— I had your mare brought to this place to go down to Walnut Farm with my Mother who will set off from this the day after tomorrow— She is very well gaited for a riding creature, and of sufficient size for the waggon or plough, but as you did not direct it, she was not tried in the latter way— She is four years old, not handsome, and has had the misfortune to loose one of her eyes— Since the receipt of your letters covering sundry orders, I have not had an opportunity yet of presenting any but Mr Wilsons, which he honoured on the 18 Augt last. The others will be presented when I can get a little leisure—but at all events I must again entreat you not to put yourself to any inconvenience on this score. My wife, tho' not recovered entirely, is so much mended as to lend me a good deal of assistance in managing our family affairs, and I have the pleasure to see our dear little children enjoying good health, for all which I most gratifully thank our all merciful God. I heard you were in Alexandria a few days ago, but on business of so press[ing] a nature that you could not possibly spar[e] time to give us a sight of you, and I therefore could not complain, tho' was sorry it so happened. That you & my Sister may always enjoy health & happiness is the fervent prayer of Yr Affectionate brother

Corbin Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover was addressed to BW at "Richmond Town."