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From Corbin Washington

My dear Brother

     Yours of the 7th of the present month I found at Hay Wood the day before yesterday enclosing an order drawn by Mr R. B. Carter, which, as well as your other business, shall be punctually attended to. Our dear Sister seems to be some what better, and the family have great hopes of her recovery, but for  my own part I still have very little. Docr Rose told me about two weeks ago, that he conceived she was past all recovery— He thinks she is so low that it is highly probable she will never reach the Springs—but God is the best Judge. When I got here yesterday evening, I found my little boy John very ill indeed, and he still continues so. His disorder seems to be occasioned by b<illegible> and is attended with violent fever—the cure I fear will be tedious. Hannah joins me in love to you & my Sister. I am very Sincerely Yr Affectionate Brother

Corbin Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers.