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To Unknown

     I thank you my dear Sir, for your letter of the 5th, recd today, and for your kind attention to my requests— I shall be much pleased to re[c]ieve the portrait & to pay Mr Kings bill for the frame, package &c.

     Be so good as to have packed & forwarded to Withers & Washington by the first Steam boat, the cut glass lamp at $14 without the weight & chain, which, in the low Ceiling of my passage, would be unnecessary, and can be supplied by a Cord & tassel which will answer quite as well.

     Please request Mr King & the Seller of the lamp respectively, to draw on me at Sight for their demands.

     I truly unite with you in lamenting the death of the excellent Sheldon. Present me to the Baron & believe me to be very sincerely & affectly yrs

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, CtNcHi.