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To John Augustine Washington II

My dear John

     I mean that you and Bushrod should leave Andover very soon, and shall put you to some other school more within my reach, where I shall have more frequent opportunities of attending to your education, and where I hope you will improve much faster than you have hitherto done. I am merely waiting until I can hear that Colo. Dade has sent down mony enough to enable me to pay what is due to Mr Philips & others on your account. I shall write to Mr Russel to get the favor of him to make the necessary arrangements for sending you on either by land to this place, or by water to Alexandria. But I believe I shall prefer the former mode, as you will arrive here before I leave the City.

     You will hear again from me, but in the mean time I wish to know if there is any thing to pay besides what is due to Mr Philips. Give my love to Bushrod & believe me very, truly Yr Affect. Uncle & friend

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, MAnP. The cover was addressed to "Master John A. Washington at Andover academy Massachusetts."