To Henry Armistead
Philadelphia Jany 20th 1784
Dr Sir
I recieved a Letter from Colo. Ball a few days past, in which he requested me to inclose to you his land Warrants, in order that you may have them conveyed to the Surveyor General by Feby to entitle them to the privilidge of first location— I now send them— I am sorry that it has not been in my power to dispose of them as advantageously as Colo. Ball wished— The price which at present is given currently for them is nine pence, an offer which cannot even be listened to, unless <mutilated> who make them objects of Speculation.
Present my respectful Compliments (if you please) to Mrs Armistead and believe me to be with Esteem Dr Sir sincerely yours &c
Bd Washington
ALS (facsimile), CSmH: The Supreme Court of the United States, Vol. II. The cover was addressed to "Mr Henry Armistead Merchant in Fredericksbg Virginia."