To George Carter
Washington Feby 9th 1814
After thanking you for having waited so long for the money due upon my nephew's first bond last July, I have to inform you that if you will send it to your agent in Alexandria with an order on Mr Nob. Herbert to pay it, he will do so on Sight. Your further indulgence as to the other bond will oblige me, as I am not sure of recieving funds for its discharge before the 1st of Jany next, when the second payment for Laurel Grove, (which I have sold to Mr Morson) will become due. If however your situation will not permit you to wait untill then, you will please inform me that I may endeavour to raise the money by some other means. I am Sir Yr mo. ob. Servt
Bush. Washington
ALS, CSmH: Brock Collection. Carter's draft reply to this letter, written below BW's signature, is published under 16 Feb. 1814.