To Elizabeth Whiting
Richd Feby 3. [17]97
I had the honor to recieve your favor of the 16th Jany some days ago, and have postponed an answer to it, hoping that with the a<illegible> from memoranda I <illegible> the information requested— But <I> cann<ot>[.] all that I recol<l>ect of Mr Nortons Affair is that I saw & ap<p>roved of the deed, and upon expressing that approbation in writing Mr Blair I suppose paid the mony— The deed I am satisfied was forwarded to Mr Prescot, for I recollect giving him directions respecting the mode of proving it so as to get it recorded— I will continue my Search and if I can be enable[d] to give further information I will do so.
The Suit agt you, as well as that agt Mrs P. (to whom present me very respectfully) will engage my attention & warmest exertions.
As soon as I get a Copy of the Bill I shall forward it to your mother & shall then write her. her favr by post I have recd— I have the Honor to be with much respect Madam Yr Mo. ob. Sert
AL[S] (microfilm), ViW. The signature has been cut away. The internal address reads, "Mrs Whiting."