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From Peyton Short


     Some short time before the Death of Genl Washington, I recd a Letter from him enclosing a Deed from Genl H. Lee to him for certain Lands in this State lying on Rough Creek, which he desired me to have recorded in the proper Office. Having understood that you are one of the Executors of his Will, I now take the Liberty to inform You that I did in due time pay Attention to the Genl's request, & that I shall hold that Instrument subject to the order of yourself or either of the other Executors & that I shall al[w]ays happy to render the Estate any other Service within the Compass of my power. I am Sir, with great Respect—Yr most obt Hble Sert

Peyton Short

Source Note

ALS or LB, DLC: Short-Harrison-Symmes Families Papers. The internal address reads, "Judge Washington Richmond Virginia."