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From Hannah Bushrod Washington

My dearest Bushrod

     Tomorrow being the day of our election I have written a short letter to you in expectation of its meeting with a conveyance from that place to the Fredericksburg district court where I suppose you will be now my dear Bushrod I must give you an account of my intended Journey to Parkgate, a fortnight ago I set off from this place on the above route, not at all in good health which indeed I have not been for several months past, but quite in tip top spirits at the idea of seeing yourself & my dear Nancy at Parkgate, but at one stay my maids horse fell sick, this I soon got over by taking her up behind the carriage— next day on the road one of my carriage horses was taken so ill that I was oblige to put up at the first house, I was then under a necessity of sending down & borrowing your Brothers horses to bring me back— I set off in his carriage, my wheels being too bad to run & the man who was to have made me a set disapointed me should nothing intervene I hope to make another trial in seven or eight days, as your Brother has lent me his carriage & two horses— one of my sick ones I have got home, the other I sent for a few days ago to Haywood but he was too sick to stir— I expect to lose him— I have lately lost one of my best.

     The inclosed letter to your Sister I shall be much obliged to you to contrive up as quickly as you can, as I am certain my not going up at the time she expected me will make both herself & Mr Lee very uneasy, probably some person from that neighborhood will be at Fredericksburg— if not, if you could send it immediatly to Dumfries directed to the care of Mr Henderson he would I am sure give it a quick conveyance— if Nancy is with you pray offer her my love—& be assured that I ever shall be unalterably my dearest Bushrods most Affe mother

H. Washington

Hannah Bushrod is with me, she begs her duty & love to yourself & her aunt— one of the inclos'd letters is from her you'll please inclose them both under one cover & direct them to my dear Mildred.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers.