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To George Washington

Dear Uncle

     I find that there is an injunction in the High Court of Chancery obtained against you, which I am employed by those interested in the Judgment at law, to dissolve— to do this, your answer is necessary. I send you a Copy of the Bill; if upon the receipt of this letter, you will immediately communicate to me the substance of your answer, I will save you the expence of applying to Counsel, and will draw it in form, & forward to you to be sworn to. the Court sits on the 12th of May, & the answer if possible ought to be filed before that time; so that if I draw it, and return it to you to be sworn to, we shall have no time to spare in getting it prepared. with great sincerity I am dear Uncle Yr Affect: Nephew

Bushd Washington.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL.