From Thomas Griffin
York Town Virga. May 22d 1820—
Dr Sir
The Dismal Swamp Land Company convened on the 15th, Inst., declared a dividend of $222 on each quarter share of stock in that Company— Enclosed you will receive your drafts for the dividend on the shares of the Estate of Genl Geo. Washington— You will perceive by the endorsement on the smaller draft, that payments have been made the Co. in various Notes of Banks, other then those of Virginia: this is unavoidable, from the manner in which sale of the lumber of the Co. are made; all the stock holders have received posting of their dividends, in notes of North Carolina Banks, Delaware, banks and many others— The amount of the smaller draft is retained in my hands for payment; your power of attorney not authorizing me to receive the amount for you. Very respectfully I am Sir yr Hb. Servt
Thos. Griffin
ALS, NHi: Bushrod Washington Papers Collection.