Address of the Synod of Tennessee, to the Society for the Colonization of the Free People of Colour in the United States
Nashville Church, October 3d, 1817.
Respected Sir:
Through you the Synod of Tennessee embrace, with lively pleasure, an early opportunity of congratulating the Society formed at the Capital of our nation, and consisting of so many of our distinguished statesmen and fellow-citizens, for the colonization of the Free People of Colour among us, who may accede to their plan. We congratulate you on the noble and important object for which you are associated, on the providential signs of our times which signally favour your efforts, and on the wide spread and growing impression upon the public mind, that your success is connected with the best interests, not only of the people of colour, but of our country and mankind. If it is important that legal equality should accompany liberty, that Africa should receive the Gospel, and that the evils of the slave-trade should be overruled for her final enjoyment of the blessings of civilization and knowledge, liberty and religion, then it is important that your design should be encouraged. We wish you, therefore, to know, that within our bounds the public sentiment appears clearly and decidedly in your favour, and that the more vigorously and perseveringly you combine and extend your exertion on the plan you have adopted, the more you are likely to be crowned with the approbation of the people as well as with the higher rewards of doing good. As ministers and disciples of Him who proclaims light to them that sit in darkness, peace to a jarring world, liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound, we anticipate the glorious day, when men shall know the Lord from the least unto the greatest in all lands; when every one shall sit under his own vine and under his own fig tree, having none to molest or to make him afraid; when the rod of the oppressor and the tears of the oppressed shall be known no more; but all men shall do unto others as they would be done unto in similar circumstances. This glorious change in the state of the world we expect will be brought about by the instrumentality of men under the blessing of God. While, then, the heralds of salvation go form in the name and strength of their Divine master, to preach the Gospel to every creature, we ardently wish that your exertions and the best influence of all philanthropists may be united, to meliorate the condition of human society, and especially of its most degraded classes, till liberty, religion, and happiness shall be the enjoyment of the whole family of man.
Charles Coffin, Stated Clerk.
Printed, The Tenth Annual Report of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States. The source states that this is "a true copy from the records of the Synod of Tennessee."